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Numerical Listing of Parlophone (British) 78rpm issues; MO "Music of the Orient" Series

Cat# Artist Title Matrix Cross-reference: Location Date Composer
MO.100 Music of the Orient - Japan Naga Uta - "Urashima" - De 20120 - - -
MO.100 Music of the Orient - Japan Ha Uta - "Umenimo Haru" - De 20120 - - -
MO.101 Music of the Orient - Japan Shinnai - "Sekitori Senryonobori" - De 20121 - - -
MO.101 Music of the Orient - Japan Matsumae Oiwake - De 20121 - - -
MO.102 Music of the Orient - China Classical Drama kun ch´u - "P´i p´a chi" - De 20122 - - -
MO.102 Music of the Orient - China Modern Drama Erh huang (Hsi-Pi) - "Tso fang Tsao" - De 20122 - - -
MO.103 Music of the Orient - China Modern Drama Pangtse - "Nan Tien Men" - De 20123 - - -
MO.103 Music of the Orient - Java Sundanese Song - "Udan Mas" - De 20123 - - -
MO.104 Music of the Orient - Java Gamelan Slendro - "Sekar Gadung" - De 20124 - - -
MO.104 Music of the Orient - Java Gamelan Pelog - "Kinanti Madumurti" - De 20124 - - -
MO.105 Music of the Orient - Bali Gendèr Wajang - "Seléndero" - De 20125 - - -
MO.105 Music of the Orient - Bali Gamelan Anklung - "Berong Pengetjet" - De 20125 - - -
MO.106 Music of the Orient - Bali Gamelan Djòged - "Tjetjing Kereman" - De 20126 - - -
MO.106 Music of the Orient - Bali Djangèr - "Putih putih saput anduk" - De 20126 - - -
MO.107 Music of the Orient - Bali Gamelan Gong - "Lagu Kebiar" - De 20127 - - -
MO.107 Music of the Orient - Siam Musical Drama - "Scene From the Rama Legend - De 20127 - - -
MO.108 Music of the Orient - Lower India Art Song From Meerut - "Rava Bhair" - De 20128 - - -
MO.108 Music of the Orient - Lower India Art Song From Jummoo - "Raga Bhilai" - De 20128 - - -
MO.109 Music of the Orient - Persia Popular Song - De 20129 - - -
MO.109 Music of the Orient - Egypt Art Song - "Maqam Sika" - De 20129 - - -
MO.110 Music of the Orient - Egypt Bäschrav - "Kuzum" Maqam Hijaz; pt.1 - De 20130 - - -
MO.110 Music of the Orient - Egypt Bäschrav - "Kuzum" Maqam Hijaz; pt.2 - De 20130 - - -
MO.111 Music of the Orient - Tunis Art Song - "Maqam Mezmum" - De 20131 - - -
MO.111 Music of the Orient - Tunis Song Of The Dervishes - "Maqam Dil" - De 20131 - - -

Special Thanks to Robert Lachowitz!

NOTE: This listing is created for research and educational purposes only. I only own a small proportion of the phonograph records listed, and those I own are NOT FOR SALE. I also have no particular insight as to how to acquire them. With the information you have found here, search eBay, gemm.com, or post a question to 78-C. Otherwise, you'll need to spend hours over a period of time searching junk stores, garage sales, record auctions (both mail and internet), and anyplace else that may have 78rpm discs for sale.

Last Updated on December 22, 2011
Please contact me with additions or corrections!

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Citing this page: (MLA Style)
Lachowitz, Robert and Settlemier, Tyrone. "Parlophone (Britain) Records 78rpm numerical listing discography - MO series." The Online Discographical Project. The Online Discographical Project, 22 Dec. 2011. Web. {access date}.
Authors: Robert Lachowitz; Tyrone Settlemier
Editors: Tyrone Settlemier

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