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RCA Victor 25-5000 series

Hebrew numerical listing of issues

(please note that these listings are for educational purposes only, and that none of these discs are held for sale)
Cat # Artist: Tune: MX: Xref: Ctrl: Date: Comp:
25-5001A Dave Tarras Noch A Glezel Wein - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5001B Dave Tarras In A Rumenishe Sheink - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5002A Gregory Matusevich Yidisher Wulach - - - - -
25-5002B Gregory Matusevich Yidisher Melodien - - - - -
25-5004A Broder Kapelle Tanz In Jerushelajim - - Instrumental dance - -
25-5004B Broder Kapelle Chernovitzer Bulgar - - Instrumental instrumental - -
25-5005A Broder Kapelle Beim Rebben In Palestine - - Instrumental instrumental - -
25-5005B Broder Kapelle Yiddisher Tanz In Jerushelajim, Der - - Instrumental dance - -
25-5006A Continental Orchestra Katerinke - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5006B Continental Orchestra Bosfor, Der - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5008A Moishe Oysher Pastuchs Cholem, Dem - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5008B Moishe Oysher Yankel der Shmidt - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5009A Moishe Oisher Zemerl, A - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5009B Moishe Oisher Chasidic In America - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5010A Sidor Belarsky Milner's Trern, Dem - - Yiddish folk song - -
25-5010B Sidor Belarsky Zeidens Broche, Dem - - Yiddish folk song - -
25-5011A David Putterman and Choir B'rochos {For Chanuka}; Rock of Ages {in English} - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5011B David Putterman and Choir Haneros Halolu {These Candles}; S'Vivon - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5012A David Putterman and Choir Kiddush - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5012B David Putterman and Choir Sholom Alaychem - Sabbath Queen - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5013A Cantor David Putterman Tsur Michelo / Elenyohu Hanovi - - Hebrew folk song - -
25-5013B Cantor David Putterman Ba-Ah M'nucha / Mi Y'Mallel - - Hebrew folk song - -
25-5014A Cantor David Putterman Kiddush - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5014B Cantor David Putterman Kol Dichfin - Ma Nishtanoh - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5015A Cantor David Putterman Dayenu; Ki Lo No-Eh - - Hebrew folk song - -
25-5015B Cantor David Putterman Adir Hu; Echod Mi Yodea - - Hebrew folk song - -
25-5016A Cantor David Putterman Chad Gadyo; Ma-Aseh Vigdi - - Hebrew folk song - -
25-5016B Cantor David Putterman Yetsiat Mitsrayim; Eshalah Elohim; Techezknah - - Hebrew folk song - -
25-5017A Jewish Dance Orchestra Zol Zein Freilach - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5017B Jewish Dance Orchestra Roumeinishe Hora (Hora Hasapiko) - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5018A Sidor Belarsky Sholosh Sudos - - Hebrew art song - -
25-5018B Sidor Belarsky Yam Lied - - Yiddish art song - -
25-5019A Sidor Belarsky Veulai - - Hebrew art song - -
25-5019B Sidor Belarsky Shir Hashamisha - - Hebrew art song - -
25-5020A Bagelman Sisters Bist Main Welt - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5020B Bagelman Sisters Yiddish Lied, A - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5021A Molly Picon Fargess Mich Nit - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5021B Molly Picon Tzu Fiel - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5022A Molly Picon Abi Gesind - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5022B Molly Picon Yiddish - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5023A Bagelman Sisters Abi Er Ken Tantzen - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5023B Bagelman Sisters Shein Vie Die Levoone - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5024A Abe Ellstein Orchestra (w/ Dave Tarras) Lomer Frelach Zain - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5024B Abe Ellstein Orchestra (w/ Dave Tarras) Freilichs - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5025A Abe Ellstein Orchestra Chasene Tanz - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5025B Abe Ellstein Orchestra Rebin's Chasene - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5026 Jewish Orchestra Lomir Tantzen - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5026 Jewish Orchestra Yiddisher Tantz, A - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5027A Abe Ellstein Orchestra (w/ Dave Tarras) Bobe Tanz - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5027B Abe Ellstein Orchestra (w/ Dave Tarras) Tanzt Yidelach - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5028A Molly Picon Yidel Mit'n Fidel - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5028B Molly Picon Oy Sis Git - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5029A Bagelman Sisters Tzi Shpeit - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5029B Bagelman Sisters Nor Dee - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5030A Abe Ellstein Orchestra Chusen Kale Tanz - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5030B Abe Ellstein Orchestra Bardichiver Nigun - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5031A Cantor Kapov-Kagan Sim-Sholom - Part 1 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5031B Cantor Kapov-Kagan Sim-Sholom - Part 2 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5032A Cantor Kapov-Kagan Av-Orachamin - Part 1 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5032B Cantor Kapov-Kagan Av-Orachamin - Part 2 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5033A Seymour Rechtzeit Ich Sing - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5033B Seymour Rechtzeit Belz - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5035A Seymour Rechtzeit Zlatapol - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5035B Seymour Rechtzeit Mazel - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5036A Abe Ellstein Orchestra, Dave Tarras, clarinet Broiges Tanz - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5036B Abe Ellstein Orchestra, Dave Tarras Sol Sein Gelebt - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5037A Bagelman Sisters Shloimele Malkele - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5037B Bagelman Sisters Oy Mama - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5038A Bagelman Sisters & Seymour Rechtzeit with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Alter Zigeuner, Der - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5038B Bagelman Sisters & Seymour Rechtzeit with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Nayem Sher, Dem - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5039A Abe Ellstein Orchestra (w/ Dave Tarras) Mitsve Tanzel - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5039B Abe Ellstein Orchestra (w/ Dave Tarras) Goldene Chasene, Die - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5040A Abe Ellstein's Orchestra Odessa Mama - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5040B Abe Ellstein's Orchestra Freilicher Klesmer, Der - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5041A Bagelman Sisters with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Eishes Chayil - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5041B Bagelman Sisters with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Noch a Glesel - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5042A Seymour Rechtzeit Ich Hob Dich Tzufil Lieb - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5042B Seymour Rechtzeit Yiddisher Nigun, Der - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5043A Dave Tarras Freilach Yidelach - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5043B Dave Tarras Hulyet Brider - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5044A Seymour Rechtzeit with Orchestra Vus Du Vilst - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5044B Seymour Rechtzeit with Orchestra Ich Vel Varten Of Dir - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5045A Dave Tarras Nikolaev Bulgar - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5045B Dave Tarras Tanz Istanbul - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5046A Jewish Orchestra In Vain Keller - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5046A Jewish Orchestra Lechayim - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5047A Seymour Rechtzeit Mein Yiddishe Mame - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5047B Seymour Rechtzeit with Abe Ellstein's Jewish Orch. Misirlou - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5048A Seymour Rechtzeit with Abe Ellstein's Jewish Orch. Ai Digidai Polka - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5048B Bagelman Sisters with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Sug Es Mir Nochamol - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5049A Seymour Rechtzeit Mein Freilich Lied - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5049B Seymour Rechtzeit Shvarze Oigen - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5050A Dave Tarras Jewish Instrumental Trio Pastuch's Cholom, A - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5050B Dave Tarras Jewish Instrumental Trio Ruchelle - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5051A Cantor Pierre Pinchik Haneovim (Shachris) - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5051B Cantor Pierre Pinchik Ov Horachmin (Shachris) - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5055A Seymour Rechtzeit Keinmool - - Yiddish - -
25-5055B Seymour Rechtzeit Freilich Land, A - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5058A Seymour Rechtzeit Unser Yidish Folk - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5058B Seymour Rechtzeit with Abe Ellstein's Orchestra In Der Liebe - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5060A Dave Tarras Jewish Instrumental Trio Rebin's Tanz, Dem - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5060B Dave Tarras Jewish Instrumental Trio Lebedig Und Freilach - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5061A Seymour Rechtzeit Liebe - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5061B Seymour Rechtzeit Yidishkeit - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5062A Seymour Rechtzeit (w/ Dave Tarras) Shulem Tanz - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5062B Seymour Rechtzeit (w/ Dave Tarras) Yingele, Nicht Vein - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5063A Tarras Instrumental Trio Glatter Bulgar, Der - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5063B Tarras Instrumental Trio Hora Und Sirba - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5064A Seymour Rechtzeit with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Freilich Sol Sein - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5064B Seymour Rechtzeit with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Philomar - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5067A Dave Tarrass Jewish Instrumental Trio Kiever Sher - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5067B Dave Tarrass Jewish Instrumental Trio Happy Birthday Dine - - - - -
25-5068A Bagelman Sisters with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Patcht Mit Die Hent - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5068B Bagelman Sisters with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Zog, Zog, Zog Es Mir - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5069A Seymour Rechtzeit with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Rebin's Nigun, Dem - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5069B Seymour Rechtzeit with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Bist Main Kroin - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5070A Bagelman Sisters with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Vaibele A Tsnieh, A - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5070B Bagelman Sisters with Abe Ellstein Orchestra Prost In Pushet - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5071A Seymour Rechtzeit Meidele - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5071B Seymour Rechtzeit Nit Gedaiget - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5072A Cantor Mordechay Hershman Tikanto Shabos - Part 1 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5072B Cantor Mordechay Hershman Tikanto Shabos - Part 2 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5073A Saul Meisels Chassene, Di - Part 1: Mechutonim - - theater - -
25-5073B Saul Meisels Chassene, Di - Part 2: Badekns - - theater - -
25-5074A Sam Meisels Anu Olim / Mi Yivne - - Hebrew folk song - -
25-5074B Sam Meisels Im Tzet Hachama - - Hebrew folk song - -
25-5075A Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky with String Ensemble directed by Joseph M. Rumshinsky Unsane Tokef (Part 1) - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5075B Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky with String Ensemble directed by Joseph M. Rumshinsky Hatei (concluded) - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5076A Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky with String Ensemble directed by Joseph M. Rumshinsky Unsane Tokef (concluded) - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5076B Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky with String Ensemble directed by Joseph M. Rumshinsky Hatei (Part 1) - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5077A Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky with String Ensemble directed by Joseph M. Rumshinsky Leolom Yehei Odom (Part 1) - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5077B Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky with String Ensemble directed by Joseph M. Rumshinsky Ribono Shel Olom (concluded) - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5078A Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky with String Ensemble directed by Joseph M. Rumshinsky Leolom Yehei Odom (concluded) - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5078B Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky with String Ensemble directed by Joseph M. Rumshinsky Ribono Shel Olom (Part 1) - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5079A Dave Tarras' Palestinian Dance Orchestra Horah / Hashiveinu - - Instrumental folk dance - -
25-5079B Dave Tarras' Palestinian Dance Orchestra Nigun Bialik / Onu Bonu Artso - - Instrumental dance - -
25-5080A Saul Meisels Hatikva (Hebrew National Anthem) - - Hebrew folk song - -
25-5080B Saul Meisels Adama - - Hebrew art song - -
25-5081A Mickey Katz and His Kosher-Jammers Haim Afen Range - - Yiddish comedy - Mickey Katz
25-5081B Mickey Katz and His Kosher-Jammers Yiddish Square Dance - - Yiddish comedy - Mickey Katz
25-5082A Estelle Linden Oif'n Pripetshok - Lullaby - - Yiddish/English folk song - -
25-5082B Estelle Linden Der Rebi Elimelech - - Yiddish/English theater - -
25-5083A Mickey Katz and His Kosher-Jammers Tico Tico (Tickle Ktizel) - - Yiddish comedy - MIckey Katz - Zequinha Abreu
25-5083B Mickey Katz and His Kosher-Jammers Chlo-E - - Hebrew comedy - Gus Kahn - Neil Moret
25-5084A Mickey Katz and His Kosher Jammers Tzatski Kozatski - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5084B Mickey Katz and His Kosher Jammers Draidel Song, The - - theater - -
25-5085A Estelle Linden with Jewish Swing Ensemble Far Vuss Bist Du Bais Oif Mir - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5085B Estelle Linden with Jewish Swing Ensemble Tzotzkeleh - Foxtrot - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5086A Mickey Katz and His Kosher-Jammers Hershele At The Induction Center - - theater - Mickey Katz
25-5086B Mickey Katz and His Kosher-Jammers Hershele At The Boilesque - - theater - Mickey Katz
25-5087A Molly Picon with A. Ellstein Orchestra Zaidens Nigun, Dem - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5087B Molly Picon with A. Ellstein Orchestra In A Yiddish Shtetele - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5088A Molly Picon with A. Ellstein Orchestra Meine Millionen - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5088B Molly Picon with A. Ellstein Orchestra Gram Shtram - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5089A Molly Picon Abi Gesind - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5089B Molly Picon Yiddish - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5090A Saul Meisels Klein Melamedl, A - - Yiddish folk song - -
25-5090B Saul Meisels Shabes, Hamvdil - - Yiddish folk song - -
25-5091A Mickey Katz and his Kosher Jammers Henzel un Genzel - - comedy - -
25-5091B Mickey Katz and his Kosher Jammers Hershele At the Wedding - - comedy - -
25-5092A Mickey Katz and his Kosher-Jammers Carmen Katz - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5092B Mickey Katz and his Kosher-Jammers - Vocal refrain by Mickey Katz Hinky Dinky Vais Ich Voos - - Yiddish comedy - -
25-5093A Hanna Kipnis Kinaret - - Hebrew - -
25-5093B Hanna Kipnis Al Tir'a - - Hebrew - -
25-5094A Mickey Katz and his Kosher-Jammers, voc. refrain by Mickey Katz and Goldie Abbott> Feudin' and Fussin' Mit Mine Cousin (Feudin' and Fightin') (v. Mickey Katz, Goldie Abbott) - - comedy - Al Dubin - Burton Lane - Mickey Katz
25-5094B Mickey Katz and his Kosher-Jammers Take Me Back Tzu Die Prairie (Red River Valley) - - comedy - -
25-5095A Mickey Katz and His Kosher-Jammers Sadir Dance (v. Mickey Katz) - - Yiddish comedy - Khatchaturian - Mickey Katz
25-5095B Mickey Katz and His Kosher-Jammers Mechaiye War Chant - - Yiddish comedy - -
25-5096A Mickey Katz and his Kosher-Jammers - Vocal refrain by Mickey Katz Toot, Toot, Tootsie! Goodbye - - English comedy - -
25-5096B Mickey Katz and his Kosher-Jammers - Vocal refrain by Mickey Katz Mississippi Shmootz - - comedy - -
25-5097A Hanna Kipnis Hora Mechudeshet - - theater - -
25-5097B Hanna Kipnis Moladeti - - Hebrew theater - -
25-5098A Mickey Katz and his Kosher-Jammers - Vocal refrain by Mickey Katz St. Louis Blues - - Yiddish/English comedy - W. C. Handy
25-5098B Mickey Katz and his Kosher-Jammers - Vocal refrain by Mickey Katz Yiddish Jam Session - - Yiddish comedy - -
25-5100A Mickey Katz and his Kosher-Jammers Haimish Memories - - comedy - -
25-5100B Mickey Katz and his Kosher-Jammers Maana - - comedy - -
25-5102A Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky Shir Hacheirut - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5102B Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky Yerushalayim - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5103A Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky Shalom Lach Yerushalayim - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5103B Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky Adarim - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5104A Leo Fuchs Lach Un Zai Freilich - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5104B Leo Fuchs Hop Along Knish - - comedy - -
25-5105A Leo Fuchs Just My Luck - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5105B Leo Fuchs Bim Bom - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5106A Leo Fuchs (Sholom Secunda orch) Zach, Die - 53-2510A Yiddish theater - C. Grean - L. Fuchs
25-5106B Leo Fuchs (Sholom Secunda orch) Uncle Sam Un Reb Isruel - Hora - 53-2510B Yiddish theater - "Lach un Sei Freilach"
25-5107A Leo Fuchs, orch cond. by Sholom Secunda Hostu, Bistu, Gistu - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5107B Leo Fuchs, orch cond. by Sholom Secunda Kepl, Dos - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5108A Leo Fuchs with Abe Ellstein's Orchestra Come On-Tsu Mein Hois - - Yiddish/English comedy - -
25-5108B Leo Fuchs with Abe Ellstein's Orchestra Beilebel - - Yiddish comedy - -
25-5109 Malavsky Choraleers Bela Bimba - - theater - -
25-5109 Malavsky Choraleers Calla Calla - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5110 Leo Fuchs Millionaire Fun Delancy Street, Der - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5110 Leo Fuchs Ot Ot Dus Vil Ich - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5111 The Malavsky Choraleers Hova Nogilah - - Hebrew folk song - -
25-5111 The Malavsky Choraleers Tzur Mishelo - - Hebrew - -
25-5112 The Barry Sisters with Orchestra Wheel of Fortune (Dus Rood fin Mahzel) - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5112 The Barry Sisters with Orchestra Channah From Havana - - Yiddish/English theater - -
25-5113 Leo Fuchs Kreplach - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5113 Leo Fuchs Gevalt - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5114 Leo Fuchs Kiss of Chaya - - Yiddish comedy - -
25-5114 Leo Fuchs Mendel The Continental - - - - -
25-5115 Sidor Belarsky Gemore Nign, Der - - Yiddish art song - -
25-5115 Sidor Belarsky Gut Shabes - - Yiddish art song - -
25-5119 Sam Musiker and His Orchestra Fetter Max's Bulgar, Der - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5119 Sam Musiker and His Orchestra Heimisher Bulgar, A - - Instrumental klezmer - -
25-5121 Sam Musiker and His Orchestra Mein Elterens' Fargenigen - Bulgar - - klezmer - -
25-5121 Sam Musiker and His Orchestra Traditional Dances (Mezinka - Potch Dance - Schviger) - - klezmer - -
25-5122 Sidor Belarsky Shabos Kodesh - - art song - -
25-5122 Sidor Belarsky Zol Noch Sein Shabos - - Yiddish art song - -
25-5123 Jan Bart with Orchestra Tief Vi Di Nacht - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5123 Jan Bart with Orchestra Mein Mazl'diker Tog - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5124 Leo Fuchs with Orchestra Coney Ireland Wedding - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5124 Leo Fuchs with Orchestra Yiddisher Chinaman, The - - Yiddish comedy - -
25-5125 Sidor Belarsky Haflei Vafele - - Hebrew art song - -
25-5125 Sidor Belarsky Usheavtem Mayim - - Hebrew art song - -
25-5126 Jan Bart with Orchestra Minhag Chadash - - theater - -
25-5126 Jan Bart with Orchestra Be'arvot Hanegev - - Hebrew folk song - -
25-5128 The Barry Sisters Biz Ich Tanzen Valz Mit Dir - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5128 The Barry Sisters Freuliche Tag - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5129 Mannie Weinstock and his Orchestra Blau Frailach - - Instrumental - -
25-5129 Mannie Weinstock and his Orchestra Mendel's Fendel - - Instrumental - -
25-5130 Moishe Oysher Oif'n Veg Shteit A Boim - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5130 Moishe Oysher Amar Amar - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5133 The Marlin Choraleers Toom-Bah-Lee - - English - -
25-5133 The Marlin Choraleers Hallelujah Day - - English - -
25-5135 Jan Peerce Mom-e-le - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5135 Jan Peerce Shiroh - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5137 Bagelman Sisters Abi Er Ken Tantzen - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5137 Bagelman Sisters Shein Vie Die Levoone - - Yiddish theater - -
25-5140 Pincus Borensztein Ato-Ritzazto - - cantorial - -
25-5140 Pincus Borensztein Kidusch - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5141A Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt Hineni Heoni Mimaas - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5141B Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt Yaale - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5142A Cantor Pierre Pinchik Rozo Deshabos - Part 1 - - Aramaic cantorial - -
25-5142B Cantor Pierre Pinchik Rozo Deshabos - Part 2 - - Aramaic cantorial - -
25-5143 Cantor Sawel Kwartin Weal Yedei - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5143 Cantor Sawel Kwartin Tiher Rabbi Ishmael - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5145 Bagelman Sisters (Abe Ellstein orch) Noch a Glesel DOXB-0123 - - - Tauber - Trilling
25-5145 Bagelman Sisters (Abe Ellstein orch) Eishes Chayil DOXB-0122 - - - Lilian Rumshinsky
25-5146 Cantor Kapov-Kagan Birchas-Kohanim - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5146 Cantor Kapov-Kagan Ono-Bekoach - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5147 Cantor Josef Rosenblatt Kol Nidrei - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5147 Cantor Josef Rosenblatt Eili Eili - - Yiddish/Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5148 Cantor Mosche Kusevitsky Sheiboneh Beis Hamikdosh - Part 1 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5148 Cantor Mosche Kusevitsky Sheiboneh Beis Hamikdosh - Part 2 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5149 Cantor Kapov-Kagan Sim-Sholom - Part 1 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5149 Cantor Kapov-Kagan Sim-Sholom - Part 2 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5150 Cantor Kapov-Kagan Av-Orachamin - Part 1 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5150 Cantor Kapov-Kagan Av-Orachamin - Part 2 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5155A Sidor Belarsky Milner's Trern, Dem - - Yiddish art song - -
25-5155B Sidor Belarsky Zeidens Bruche, Dem - - Yiddish art song - -
25-5157A Cantor P. Pinchik Sfiroh - Teil 1 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
25-5157B Cantor P. Pinchik Sfiroh - Teil 2 - - Hebrew cantorial - -
*note The "Jewish Dance Orchestra", "Jewish Orchesta", "Dave Tarras' Palestinian Dance Orchestra" and "Broder Kapelle" are other names for the Abe Ellstein Orch. with Dave Tarras.

Thanks to Peter Nahon for providing the information on this listing!

NOTE: This listing is created for research and educational purposes only. I only own a small proportion of the phonograph records listed, and those I own are NOT FOR SALE. I also have no particular insight as to how to acquire them. With the information you have found here, search eBay, gemm.com, or post a question to 78-C. Otherwise, you'll need to spend hours over a period of time searching junk stores, garage sales, record auctions (both mail and internet), and anyplace else that may have 78rpm discs for sale.

Last Updated on March 13, 2013
Please contact me with additions or corrections!

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Citing this page: (MLA Style)
Nahon, Peter and Settlemier, Tyrone. "RCA Victor Hebrew ethnic series (25-5000) - numerical listing discography." The Online Discographical Project. The Online Discographical Project, 13 Mar. 2013. Web. {access date}.
Authors: Peter Nahon; Tyrone Settlemier
Editors: Tyrone Settlemier

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